Results for 'Julia Carina Böttcher'

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  1.  5
    Science in Community: Anatomy, Academy, and Argument in the Eighteenth‐Century Holy Roman Empire.Julia Carina Böttcher - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (3):242-261.
    Understanding physicians as actors who implemented the early modern ideal of collective empiricism into their practices within the local contexts of everyday life, the paper explores two cases from imperial cities in southern Germany in the 1720s and 1780s in which anatomical studies were contested. By analyzing the strategies and arguments that the two physicians used to justify and continue their anatomical dissections, it focuses on their references to different kinds of (local) community and relates these references to another type (...)
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    Casos equívocos entre barbarismos y solecismos: scala, scopa, quadriga en Quintiliano, Donato, Diomedes, Pompeyo y Consencio.Julia Burghini & Beatriz Carina Meynet - 2012 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 35 (2):40-59.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es observar el tratamiento que se ofrece en la Institutio Oratoria de Quintiliano y en las artes de Donato, Diomedes y Consencio, como también en el comentario de Pompeyo a la obra de Donato, de los ejemplos estándar de singularización de pluralia tantum: scala, scopa, quadriga. El análisis de la ambigüedad de los nombres tantum cobra relevancia desde que trasciende la mera discusión automatizada de un lugar común de las artes grammaticales, convirtiéndose en un problema (...)
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    Beobachtung als Lebensart: Praktiken der Wissensproduktion bei Forschungsreisen im 18. Jahrhundert.Julia Böttcher - 2020 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Wie funktionierte Wissenschaft auf Reisen? Naturforschung bedurfte unter den Bedingungen der Reise besonderer methodischer Absicherung, um ihre Ergebnisse in den Bestand gesicherten Wissens überführen zu können. Dies geschah durch die Regulierung, Kontrolle und Habitualisierung der zentralen Methode des Erkenntnisgewinns: der wissenschaftlichen Beobachtung. Wissenschaftler gingen auf Reisen nach einem ganz bestimmten Muster vor, sodass auch für andere, die nicht mit dabei waren, nachvollziehbar war, wie sie unterwegs gearbeitet hatten. Julia Carina Böttcher untersucht die Praktiken der Wissensproduktion bei Forschungsreisen (...)
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    Motivated formal reasoning: Ideological belief bias in syllogistic reasoning across diverse political issues.Julia Aspernäs, Arvid Erlandsson & Artur Nilsson - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (1):43-69.
    This study investigated ideological belief bias, and whether this effect is moderated by analytical thinking. A Swedish nationally representative sample (N = 1005) evaluated non-political and political syllogisms and were asked whether the conclusions followed logically from the premises. The correct response in the political syllogisms was aligned with either leftist or rightist political ideology. Political orientation predicted response accuracy for political but not non-political syllogisms. Overall, the participants correctly evaluated more syllogisms when the correct response was congruent with their (...)
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    (1 other version)New Maladies of the Soul.Julia Kristeva - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    These days, who still has a soul? asks Julia Kristeva in her psychoanalytic exploration, _New Maladies of the Soul._ Hailed by Peter Brooks in the _New York Times_ as "a critic of great psychoanalytic insight," Kristeva reveals to readers a new kind of patient, symptomatic of an age of political upheaval, mass-mediated culture, and the dramatic overhaul of familial and sexual mores. The book poses a troubling question about the human subject in the West today: Is the psychic space (...)
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    Intimate Revolt: The Powers and Limits of Psychoanalysis.Julia Kristeva - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    Julia Kristeva, herself a product of the famous May '68 Paris student uprising, has long been fascinated by the concept of rebellion and revolution. Psychoanalysts believe that rebellion guarantees our independence and creative capacities, but is revolution still possible? Confronted with the culture of entertainment, can we build and nurture a culture of revolt, in the etymological and Proustian sense of the word: an unveiling, a return, a displacement, a reconstruction of the past, of memory, of meaning? In the (...)
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    Mental Health Conditions Between Neurodiversity and the Medical Model.Julia Knopes - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):20-31.
    Scholarship in neuroethics and related disciplines has long reflected on the value of different conceptual models of disability and impairment. While this theoretical work is valuable, centering the voices of people with mental health conditions in neuroethics research can help us better understand how such models apply in everyday people’s lives. Drawing on qualitative data from a study on mental health peer providers’ lived experiences of recovery, this paper will demonstrate that peers borrow from both a neurodiversity framework and the (...)
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    Problem of sex differences in space perception and aspects of intellectual functioning.Julia A. Sherman - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (4):290-299.
  9. The phenomenology of virtue.Julia Annas - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):21-34.
    What is it like to be a good person? I examine and reject suggestions that this will involve having thoughts which have virtue or being a good person as part of their content, as well as suggestions that it might be the presence of feelings distinct from the virtuous person’s thoughts. Is there, then, anything after all to the phenomenology of virtue? I suggest that an answer is to be found in looking to Aristotle’s suggestion that virtuous activity is pleasant (...)
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    Winner-Take-All Politics in Europe? European Inequality in Comparative Perspective.Julia Lynch & Jonathan Hopkin - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (3):335-343.
    In this introduction to the special issue “The New Politics of Inequality in Europe,” recent literature on income inequality in the advanced democracies is summarized. It is argued that dominant accounts are too heavily focused on the United States, whereas the experience of Western European countries has been neglected. Although income inequality has risen nearly everywhere in the rich industrial democracies since the end of the 1970s, it has done so from different starting points, at different rates, and for reasons (...)
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  11. Culture and nature: the language of symbols and nature in the oeuvre of the contemporary Polish architect, Marek Budzyński.Julia Sowińska-Heim - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch (ed.), An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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    “What the patient wants…”: Lay attitudes towards end-of-life decisions in Germany and Israel.Julia Inthorn, Silke Schicktanz, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Aviad Raz - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):329-340.
    National legislation, as well as arguments of experts, in Germany and Israel represent opposite regulatory approaches and positions in bioethical debates concerning end-of-life care. This study analyzes how these positions are mirrored in the attitudes of laypeople and influenced by the religious views and personal experiences of those affected. We qualitatively analyzed eight focus groups in Germany and Israel in which laypeople were asked to discuss similar scenarios involving the withholding or withdrawing of treatment, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. In both (...)
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    Susceptibility to COVID-19 Scams: The Roles of Age, Individual Difference Measures, and Scam-Related Perceptions.Julia Nolte, Yaniv Hanoch, Stacey Wood & David Hengerer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As the COVID-19 pandemic was unfolding, a surge in scams was registered across the globe. While COVID-19 poses higher health risks for older adults, it is unknown whether older adults are also facing higher financial risks as a result of COVID-19 scams. Here, we examined age differences in vulnerability to COVID-19 scams and individual difference measures that might help explain them. A lifespan sample of sixty-eight younger, 79 middle-aged, and 63 older adults recruited through Prolific completed questions and questionnaires online. (...)
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    Climate Justice for the Dead and the Dying.Julia D. Gibson - 2021 - Environmental Philosophy 18 (1):5-39.
    Environmentalism has long placed heavy emphasis on strategies that seek to ensure the environment of today and the future roughly mirror the past. Yet while past-oriented approaches have come under increased scrutiny, environmental ethics in the time of climate change is still largely conceptualized as that which could pull humanity back from the brink of disaster or, at least, prevent the worst of it. As a result, practical and conceptual tools for grappling with what is owed to the dead and (...)
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    Moral Necessity, Agent Causation, and the Determination of Free Actions in Clarke and Leibniz.Julia Jorati - 2021 - In Marco Haussman & Jorg Nöller (eds.), Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 165-202.
    On the standard interpretation, Samuel Clarke and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz endorse fundamentally different theories of free will. Clarke is typically interpreted as a libertarian who holds that freedom requires indeterminism. Leibniz, in contrast, is typically interpreted as a compatibilist who holds that free actions can be determined. This chapter challenges the standard interpretation and argues that Clarke and Leibniz agree almost completely about free will. Both require free actions to be instances of agent causation, and both view freedom as compatible (...)
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    Natural Teleology and Duties to Oneself in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue.Julia Peters - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 2029-2036.
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    An Ethical Guidebook To the Zombie Apocalypse: How to keep your brain without losing your heart.Julia Cons - 2022 - The New Bioethics 28 (2):186-187.
    Bryan Hall is dean of the College of Contemporary Liberal Studies and Professor of Liberal Arts at Regis University, USA. An Ethical Guidebook to the Zombie Apocalypse, his first foray into fiction...
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    La cultura y el “combate de las formas”. Claves para pensar la dimensión afirmativa de la ética foucaultiana.Julia Monge - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):27-45.
    Teniendo en cuenta las principales objeciones que se le han planteado a la problematización ética de Michel Foucault, en el presente trabajo proponemos reconstruir dos motivos para pensar su dimensión afirmativa: la cultura y el “combate de las formas”. La cultura como objeto de crítica y transformación posible y las _formas_ como relevo histórico de los universales, ideales y trascendentales, son referencias constantes en el pensamiento de Foucault que, recuperadas a la luz de los planteos y aportes teórico-metodológicos de sus (...)
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    La Comuna por la vida o la vida por la Comuna.Julia Tessio - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
    This article addresses the participation of women who played a leading role in the revolutionary days of 1871, seeking to dialogue with the different images and stories that have been built around their participation. After 150 years, it is necessary to ask again who were these protagonists and what were the reasons for their participation, looking beyond the renowned leaders and combatants that stand out in the memoirs. To this end, seeking to break with myths, idealizations and reductionisms, an analysis (...)
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    Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany.Julia Inthorn, Sabine Wöhlke, Fabian Schmidt & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):56.
    There is an ongoing expert debate with regard to financial incentives in order to increase organ supply. However, there is a lacuna of empirical studies on whether citizens would actually support financial incentives for organ donation.
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    Sattelzeit’: the invention of ‘premodern history’ in the 1970s.Julia Angster - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    In her historicisation of the concept of the ‘Sattelzeit,’ Julia Angster argues that the term does not represent a meaningful definition of a specific historical epoch. Instead, it serves as source material for analysing the notions of West German historians during the 1970s. Although their conception of the ‘Sattelzeit’ built on the work of R. Koselleck, it simplifies his concept by transforming an analytical tool of conceptual history into a starting point for social history. It enabled the conception of (...)
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  22. “Ein weites Feld”. Revisitando el Kant político y republicano.María Julia Bertomeu & Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):556-567.
    El escrito continúa una discusión mantenida por Macarena Marey, María Julia Bertomeu y Nuria Sánchez Madrid en torno a la capacidad de los principios del republicanismo kantiano para transformar el espacio social en un ámbito en el que la autosuficiencia material constituya una de las condiciones fundamentales para que la igualdad formal ante la ley y la libertad política puedan actualizarse. En estas coordenadas se manifiestan también algunas discrepancias en lo concerniente a la percepción kantiana de las injusticias sociales (...)
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    Race, Rights and Rebels: Alternatives to Human Rights and Development From the Global South.Julia Suárez-Krabbe - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    An analysis of the evolution of the overlapping histories of human rights and development, and an exploration of the alternatives, through the lens of indigenous and other southern theories and epistemologies.
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    The Active Room: Freud’s Office and the Egyptian Tomb.Julia K. Schroeder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:537815.
    The present study examines the striking similarities between the architectural design and spatial composition of the ancient Egyptian tomb and Sigmund Freud’s office at Berggasse 19 in Vienna, Austria. I argue that the Egyptian tomb elements represented within Freud’s office permitted the enclosed space to play an active role in his psychoanalysis sessions. I supplement this argument by analyzing the office’s spatial and architectural arrangements in relation to ancient Egyptian architectural frameworks, psychoanalytic container theory (Freud, Danze, and Quinodoz), and Freud’s (...)
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  25.  6
    Wir segeln in unerforschten Gewässern: Debatten des Wirtschaftsphilosophischen Clubs München.Julia Böllhoff & Nicole Wiedinger (eds.) - 2013 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  26.  22
    Form und Funktion: Eine kritische Betrachtung zeitgenössischer Designästhetik.Julia-Constance Dissel - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (3):410-424.
    This essay deals with the terms “form” and “function” as well as their relationship insofar as they are still used in philosophical and design-theory discourse to determine the aesthetic dimension of designed artefacts, especially of everyday objects, and often also to distinguish them from objects of art. I discuss whether our common understanding of these terms and their relationship is an appropriate instrument for such determinations. What is up for discussion here are not only conceptions of functional beauty with regard (...)
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    Mass Education and University Reform in Late Twentieth Century Australia.Julia Horne - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (5):671-690.
    In 1988 a piece of higher education reform legislation titled The Higher Education Funding Act was devised by the Labor Government and enacted by the Commonwealth of Australia to become law. The te...
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    Ivan Bunin and George Fedotov: A Discourse on the 1917 Revolution in Philosophical and Literary Thought of the Silver Age.Julia V. Klepikova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (6):82-95.
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    Abortion in Hungary.Julia Szalai - 1988 - Feminist Review 29 (1):98-100.
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    The Sabotage of Patriarchy in Colonial Rhodesia, Rural African Women's Living Legacy to Their Daughters.Julia C. Wells - 2003 - Feminist Review 75 (1):101-117.
    Evidence from a University of Zimbabwe oral history project suggests that many rural women in colonial Rhodesia played an active role in undermining patriarchal customs which they experienced as oppressive. These women defied family norms by choosing their own marriage partners, prioritizing the formal education of their daughters and finding ways to generate income to secure greater degrees of autonomy. This study compliments other research which depicts women's primary form of resistance to be moving from rural to urban areas, by (...)
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    Comments on Emotion and Virtue by Gopal Sreenivasan.Julia Driver - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    This essay provides a critical discussion of Gopal Sreenivasan's integral account of virtue in his book Emotion and Virtue. This discussion focuses on his account of the paradigm virtue of compassion, arguing that the view does not have most of the advantages Sreenivasan suggests it has when compared to competing models of virtue.
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    In Dialogue: A Response to Elizabeth Gould,?The Nomadic Turn: Epistemology, Experience, and Women College Band Directors?Julia Koza - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):187-195.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Elizabeth Gould, “Nomadic Turns:Epistemology, Experience, and Women University Band Directors” Epistemology, Experience, and Women University Band Directors”Julia Eklund KozaClimate and its impact on women in instrumental music education is a tremendously important subject, and I thank Liz Gould for her thoughtful analysis. Rather than offering a critique of her work, I will respond as one might answer in a call and response. Gould has sung (...)
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  33. Katrina and the privilege of despair: Welch's model of connection in teaching for social justice.Alicia D. Brown, Julia G. Brooks & Michael G. Gunzenhauser - 2007 - Philosophical Studies in Education 48:76 - 86.
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    ‘To die, to sleep’ – assisted dying legislation in Victoria: A case study.Julia Gilbert & Jane Boag - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1976-1982.
    Background: Assisted dying remains an emotive topic globally with a number of countries initiating legislation to allow individuals access to assisted dying measures. Victoria will become the first Australian state in over 13 years to pass Assisted Dying Legislation, set to come into effect in 2019. Objectives: This article sought to evaluate the impact of Victorian Assisted Dying Legislation via narrative view and case study presentation. Research design: Narrative review and case study. Participants and research context: case study. Ethical considerations: (...)
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    ‘Their memories will never grow old’: The politics of remembrance in the athenian funeral orations.Julia L. Shear - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):511-536.
    Every winter in the classical period, on a specifically chosen day, Athenians gathered together to mourn the men who had died in war. According to Thucydides, the bones of the dead killed in that year lay in state for two days before being carried in ten coffins organized by tribe to thedêmosion sêmawhere they were buried and then a speech was made in honour of the dead men by a man chosen by the city. As his description makes clear, this (...)
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  36. Conclusion : notes toward a global synthesis.John L. Brooke & Julia C. Strauss - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson (eds.), State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    ‘The Chance to say what they Think’ Teaching English as a Second Language.Julia Naish - 1979 - Feminist Review 3 (1):1-11.
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  38. Filosofía de la historia.Julián Sanz del Río - 1977 - [Soria]: Centro de Estudios Sorianos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Edited by Franco Díaz de Cerio Ruiz.
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  39. Códices misceláneos de agronomía andalusí.Expiración García Sánchez & Julia María Carabaza Bravo - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):393-416.
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    Jovem Marx: um esboço de uma filosofia da história e um republicanismo peculiar.Júlia Lemos Vieira - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):334-351.
    O engajamento de Marx na filosofia tem desde o início a tentativa de um desenvolvimento mais objetivo do humanismo, na medida em que só adentra em tal disciplina em busca de uma racionalidade cujo desenvolvimento não é seccionado da transformação concreta do mundo. Tal é a sua impressão da filosofia sob a dialética hegeliana: apenas a razão filosófica se perceberia como forma não destacada da realidade, podendo realizar o humanismo que no Direito está dado como um puro idealismo. Nos Cadernos (...)
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    [III] becoming like God: Ethics, human nature, and the divine.Julia Annas - 1999 - In Platonic Ethics, Old and New. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 52-71.
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    Pragmatics and cognition in Easy Language.Julia Fuchs - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):1-26.
    A core area of pragmatics is conversational implicatures, where speakers imply a meaning that is not part of what is literally said. Not all people have the ability to easily understand such common (implicit) forms of communication. For these people, Easy Language has been developed, i.e. a form of barrier-free communication with substantially simplified syntax and lexis. Moreover, Easy Language is based on the principle of maximum explicitness. However, the heterogeneous target groups and the different types of implicature have not (...)
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  43. On the conceptual, psychological, and moral status of zombies, swamp-beings, and other 'behaviourally indistinguishable' creatures.Julia Tanney - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (1):173-186.
    In this paper I argue that it would be unprincipled to withhold mental predicates from our behavioural duplicates however unlike us they are "on the inside." My arguments are unusual insofar as they rely neither on an implicit commitment to logical behaviourism in any of its various forms nor to a verificationist theory of meaning. Nor do they depend upon prior metaphysical commitments or to philosophical "intuitions". Rather, in assembling reminders about how the application of our consciousness and propositional attitude (...)
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    Narrative psychology: identity, transformation and ethics.Julia Vassilieva - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides the first comparative analysis of the three major streams of contemporary narrative psychology as they have been developed in North America, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand. Interrogating the historical and cultural conditions in which this important movement in psychology has emerged, the book presents clear, well-structured comparisons and critique of the key theories of narrative psychology pioneered across the globe. Examples include Dan McAdams in the US and his followers, who have developed a distinctive approach to (...)
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  45. Das Lernziel „Ethik“ in Studiengängen der Chemie: Empirische Bestandsaufnahme und Gestaltungsvorschläge.Philipp Richter & Julia Dietrich - 2017 - In Philipp Richter & Julia Dietrich (eds.), : Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung: Chemie in der Gesellschaft. Berlin, Germany: pp. 145-150.
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  46. Metafísica analítica; introduccíon.Julián Sanz del Río - 1968 - Barcelona,: Ediciones de Cultura Popular. Edited by Eloy[From Old Catalog] TerróN.
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    Digital government and the handling of sensitive data in the execution of public policies: challenges and possibilities.Júlia Oselame Graf & Caroline Muller Bitencourt - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    The research aims to investigate the characteristics and risks associated with the handling of sensitive data in the implementation of public policies within the digital government model. To achieve this, a hypothetical-deductive method and bibliographic and documentary procedures are employed, proposing an interdisciplinary discussion on technological advancement, data protection, transparency, and public policies. The justification revolves around the importance of a comprehensive, cohesive system that genuinely protects sensitive personal data, considering the need to keep pace with technological developments and maintain (...)
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    Naming Φύσις and the “Inner Truth of National Socialism”: A New Archival Discovery.Julia A. Ireland - 2014 - Research in Phenomenology 44 (3):315-346.
    This article offers an interpretive reconstruction of Heidegger’s first reference to the “inner truth of National Socialism” in the 1934/35 lecture course, Hölderlin’s Hymns “Germania” and “The Rhine”, which has remained unknown due to an editorial error. Focusing on the distinction Heidegger draws between Greek φύσις and natural science, it examines the way Heidegger conceives politics more originally through Hölderlin and the naming force of Nature. It then contextualizes Heidegger’s specific reference to National Socialism in terms of the then contemporary (...)
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    Epilepsy and religiosity: A historical overview.Júlia Gyimesi - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (1):3-22.
    This article aims to provide a historical overview of the relationship between epilepsy and religiosity. Although the link between epilepsy and religiosity has been observed since ancient times, empirical research has not supported the direct relationship between epilepsy and religiosity in any unequivocal way. The rich reference to the historical relationship between epilepsy and religiosity often served as a kind of evidence in itself, even though observations of epileptic religiosity were far less detailed as modern scholars referred to them. A (...)
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    Nature in Seclusion. The Monastic Republic of Letters in Southern Germany.Julia Bloemer - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (3):215-241.
    Monasteries were famous for their extensive libraries and richly decorated churches. Less well known are their observatories and their mathematical-physical collections with telescopes, air pumps, and friction machines. But how did the way of life in the monastery and scientific practices influence each other? This paper examines the interaction of scientific practices and religious way of life using the example of southern German monasteries in the second half of the eighteenth century. It shows how the monks pragmatically linked monastic life (...)
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